Welcome to HOBI - The first community to watch, good news, comedy clips, memes... in VN 😋* Why HOBI was born:Currently viewing video content, community news via social networks has the problem of fake news, not personalization. Reading online newspapers does not keep up with news from the community. Therefore, HOBI was born with the purpose of helping you to watch funny clips from Facebook, tiktok, zalo quickly, without worrying about fake news.HOBIs content sources include: entertainment, comedy clips, luxury cars, which we synthesize from hundreds of thousands of social media sites, the most popular entertainment site in Vietnam and China.HOBI content is aggregated and moderated, constantly helping you to know more community news, and more diverse content than reading online newspapers.* HOBI is different from watching MXH news:👉🏻 ENGAGEMENT: The most prominent news on MXH, local news from the community around you. Update faster than reading online newspapers.👉🏻 HONG trend: Hot trend among young people from instagram, tiktok, good news not found through reading online newspapers.👉🏻 HONG Showbiz: behind-the-scenes news, daily life news of stars / idols that you care about.* HOBI helps you 🎓:🦸🏻 QUICK UPDATES: wait for change, catch trend, wait for idol..., all in one app. Faster than social media news, read online newspapers, keep you up to date, not out of date with your friends.🦸🏻 DISCOVER: News sources, Memes, Comedy clips, trolls, tiktok comedy, every day are compiled from over 20K news sources and read MXH newspapers from Vietnam, China. Another way to watch entertainment news is completely different from reading online newspapers.🦸🏻 QUALITY VIEWING: beautiful photos, high-quality vlogs linked to information help experience content viewing throughout without having to leave the app.🦸🏻 SUPER INTERFACE: Optimal experience, no ads.* Some other features of HOBI🔑:🗝️ Share news directly on MXH Facebook, Tiktok, Zalo with the full article link and take a picture of a piece of news.🗝️ Zoom when watching news videos, comedy clips.🗝️ Follow favorite topics to receive updates when there is new news.🗝️ See hot link photos.Our goal is to develop HOBI to help you read the highest quality social media news. Looking forward to receiving suggestions for improvement:
[email protected] thank!With ❤️ Love, from HOBI team!